The Complete Guide To Apply Fake Nails

The Complete Guide To Apply Fake Nails

Since we’ve been spending so much time at home over the past few months, I’ve stayed busy by testing out new skincare treatments, brushing up on my photo editing techniques, redecorating my apartment, experimenting with streaming workouts, and I even learned how to apply fake nails like a pro.

Truthfully, prior to quarantine, I hadn’t done my own nails in YEARS. I’ve been loyal to the same manicurist since 2016 and would go see her once a month, every single month, without fail. I never missed a single appointment!

So when nail salons were forced to close, I had no choice but to figure out another solution. (I also had to figure out how to safely remove a gel manicure at home, which I had never done before!).

I tried an at-home dip powder manicure, and although I loved the way it looked, it took WAY too long (over an hour) and really only lasted for a week or two.

Eventually I started doing some research on the best fake nails after hearing from several people who swore by them. I was initially skeptical, because I’d never tried any kind of press-on or glue-on option before. I also assumed that I was way too rough on my nails and they’d pop off after a day or two.

But let me be the first to tell you: I WAS WRONG. And I honestly can’t believe I had been sleeping on press-on nails for so long.

After my research and a lot of testing, I actually found the best fake nails from Target by a brand called Deluxenailfresno. (Bonus points for the fact that they are a small, female-owned business — they recently got into Target stores, which was a pretty incredible milestone for the founder.)

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